Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Pepper Jelly

Have you ever had Pepper Jelly Poured over Cream cheese served with Wheat Thins at a Party?  Most everyone I meet always has.  It is a super quick appetizer for time with friends. However, I love pepper jelly on so many different things, I decided to learn how to make it myself.  Pepper jelly was the first jelly I ever made. In our very first tiny apartment and I used a teeny tiny food processor that you would possibly only use for baby food or something.  I should have borrowed my Mothers. Oh Well!  I made memories in the process. 
The next time you get your hands on some (hopefully you will try this recipe) try this on a fried egg, and toast!  It is delicious.  Or as my Grandmother White would say - "Fick Tish and Fosh Tosh!"  It was supposed to mean delicious in her vocabulary but Lord only knows - she made up so many phrases and words! 

Pepper Jelly:
3 jalapeno peppers
4 bell peppers (Red and Orange make the prettiest Jelly)
1 cup white vinegar
1 bottle of liquid pectin (I have substituted a box of the powdered kind before and it works as well)
5 cups of sugar

Run peppers through food processor using fine blade.  Use all the juice.  Slowly boil all ingredients for 10 minutes.  Remove from heat.  Add liquid pectin and boil hard 1 minute.  Pour into 1/2 pint sterilized jars within a half inch from the top.  Making sure there isn't any jelly drips on the rim, screw on the caps and band firmly tight.  Process these in boiling water bath for 5 minutes.  
Remove from the Hot Water Bath and set on the counter to cool.  
Yield 6 pint jars
I double this batch because I like to have plenty to give away!

1 comment:

  1. Hi! Can you please specify the quantity of liquid pectin you used for this recipe. I used a box containing 2 envelopes of liquid pectin that are 85 ml each. I used one envelope and the result looks quite liquid…. Maybe I should have used 2, although the result is still cooling



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